Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pastoral School Graduate Ordained to the Priesthood

On the Ecclesiastical New Year, September 1/14, 2024, Pastoral School graduate Deacon Brian Payne was ordained to the priesthood by Metropolitan Mitrophan of Canada (Serbian Church) at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Campellville, Ontario. We congratulate Fr. Brian, his family, and parish on this auspicious occasion! May the Lord grant Fr. Brian many years of service to the Holy Church!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Liturgical Practicum Fall 2024: Liturgical Training for Present & Future Clergymen

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter, the Pastoral School is pleased to announce an important opportunity for present and future clergymen. The Liturgical Practicum aims to teach the practical application of the liturgics that is studied in the classroom. Participants will learn how to serve according to the traditional practices of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. The topics covered will range from how a clergyman interacts with the choir during the Divine Services, to how to appropriately use the censer, to how to serve the Hierarchal Divine Services, and all else that every Deacon and Priest needs to know. In addition, all participants will receive voice coaching to allow for the proper use of the voice in chanting and singing. The Liturgical Practicum is designed and highly recommended for new clergymen in the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America, but ALL ARE WELCOME. Limited space is available so please register as soon as possible. Registration deadline is October 15, 2024. The dates of the practicum are November 7-10, 2024. The location of the practicum is St. Vladimir Parish, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

For more information and to REGISTER: ~ 734-649-5746


По благословению архиепископа Петра для настоящих и будущих священнослужителей Пастырская школа рада объявить о важном курсе. Литургический практикум направлен на обучение практическому применению литургики, изучаемой в классе. Участники узнают, как служить в традициях Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей. Затрагиваемые темы будут касаться всего: от того, как священнослужитель взаимодействует с хором во время Богослужения, до того, как правильно пользоваться кадилом, как служить Архиерейские Богослужения, и всего прочего, что необходимо знать каждому диакону и священнику. Кроме того, все участники пройдут голосовой инструктаж, чтобы правильно использовать голос при пении и чтении. Литургический практикум разработан и настоятельно рекомендуется главным образом для новых священнослужителей Чикагской и Средне-Американской епархии, но мы ПРИГЛАШАЕМ ВСЕХ. Количество мест ограничено, поэтому, пожалуйста, регистрируйтесь как можно скорее. Крайний срок регистрации 15 октября 2024 г. Даты проведения с 7-го по 10-е ноября 2024 г. Практикум будет в приходе Св. Владымира в городе Анн-Арбор, штат Мичиган.

Для получения дополнительной информации и регистрации: ~ 734-649-5746

Листовка для распространения

Monday, September 9, 2024

Fall Semester Students Admitted

The Pastoral School Fall semester begins on September 9, 2024. We are pleased to announce that the following students have been accepted for this semester:

Demaar, Alexander
DiStefano, Adam
Enck, Moses
Franceschi, Theodore
Funderburk, Thomas
Gleason, Joseph
Heikkila, Ignatius
Herke, Michael
Iovu, Andrei
Katsadas, Ioannis
Makartetskyi, Priest Artemii
Marklund, Johan
Marsan, Jacob
McDonald, Corin
Mogan, Reader Michael
Newton, Reader Paisios
Peskey, Reader John
Prince, Subdeacon Martinian
Reigelman, Gregory
Sietsema, Reader Thomas
Simpson, Daniel
Smiley, Nicholas
Soboleski, Luke
Staser, Christopher
Swiggum, Matthew
Thiessen, Reader Mark
Toussaint, Asher
Vanderburg, Samuel
Vandermerwe, Jerome

We congratulate these students on their acceptance to the Pastoral School! And we ask your prayers for success in their theological academic pursuits. Most will be studying in the Pastoral Theology Program, others in our other PROGRAMS

The next application deadline for the Pastoral School is February 1, 2025. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, so those who would like to apply are welcome to do so at any time for the next semester. The application form can be found here:


We welcome your application! If you have questions, please contact me.

Fr. Gregory Joyce, Dean

Cell/SMS/What's App/Viber/Telegram/etc.: +1-734-649-5746