Monday, July 15, 2024

Pastoral School Spring 2024 Graduation

On July 13, 2024 thesis review and defense and comprehensive final examinations were held for graduating students of the Pastoral School of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America. At this session five students defended their theses and passed their final examinations. Names and titles of theses are below:

Deacon Theodotus Conrad: Catechizing Souls: A Historiography of Eastern Orthodox Catechisms, 1572-2016

Subdeacon Christopher Leung: The Conflict and Adaptation between the Orthodoxy’s Christians Tradition and Chinese Culture

Deacon Mikhail Moibenko: Orthodox Christian Piety

Deacon Matthew Sundahl: The Tools of the Catechumenate

Deacon Timothy Zieminski: The Mercy and Forgiveness of God: The Orthodox Teaching on the Soul after Death in Light of Purgatory

All theses were reviewed by the examination committee (made up of Archpriest Gregory Joyce, Dean of the School; and Archpriest John Whiteford, Assistant Dean for Operations of the Pastoral School, and Deacon Vladimir Pyrozhenko, Professor University of Michigan). All theses met the high standards for scholarly work of the Pastoral School, with Deacon Theodotus and Deacon Matthew receiving honors. 

All students passed their oral final examinations, with Deacon Theodotus and Deacon Mikhail receiving honors.

Later that day the Resurrectional Vigil was held in the Diocesan Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God in Des Plaines, IL. The graduates participated in the Divine Service. The next day (July 14, 2024) Divine Liturgy was held in the cathedral, led by Archbishop Peter (President of the Pastoral School). Following the Divine Liturgy the graduates were officially awarded their diplomas. 

We congratulate the new graduates and their families on their significant accomplishment. God willing the theses of the new graduates will soon be published for the edification of all. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pastoral School Graduate Ordained to the Deaconate


On Sunday, June 17/30, 2024, the universal feast of All Saints, Brian (Branko) Payne was ordained to the Deaconate by Metropolitan Mitrofan of Canada (Serbian Orthodox Church) at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Milton, Ontario. Deacon Brian is a 2023 graduate of the Pastoral School and will be assigned to Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Church in Windsor, Ontario. Congratulations to Deacon Brian and his family! May the Lord grant him many years of service in His Vineyard!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Graduation Weekend Moved to July 13-14, 2024

With the blessing of the President of the Pastoral School, Archbishop Peter of Chicago & Mid-America, the Spring Graduation weekend for 2024 has been rescheduled for July 13-14. On July 13 comprehensive examinations and thesis defense will take place at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Des Plaines, IL. On July 14, following the Divine Liturgy, diplomas will be awarded to the graduates. Graduating seniors are expected to be present at all the activities on July 13 and 14. Flights out of O'Hare should not be scheduled before 6:00 p.m. on July 14. Please contact me with questions or concerns. Further communication will be forthcoming to graduating seniors. Those who plan to graduate at the July 14 graduation should be in touch with me as soon as possible to finalize any outstanding details.

Very Rev. Fr. Gregory Joyce, Dean

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Ordination and Tonsure of Pastoral School Students

Our student, Deacon Daniel Warren reports the following:

“On Sunday, 5/18 February, 2024, we received an archpastoral visit from His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America at St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church in Boise, Idaho. During the reading of the Hours, Seraphim Denno [my godfather and fellow Diaconate Preparation Program student] was tonsured a Reader and I was ordained to the Subdiaconate. On the same day during Diving Liturgy I was ordained to the Diaconate.”

We congratulate our students and ask the prayers of our community for their fruitful ministry!

Fr. Gregory Joyce, Dean

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pastoral School Liturgical Practicum Held in Houston

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter, the third Liturgical Practicum of the Pastoral School of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America took place at St. Jonah parish in Spring, Texas February 22-25, 2024. The two previous practicums were held at the Diocesan Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God in Chicago. Archbishop Peter, President of the Pastoral School, felt it was important that the practicum be offered in the southern part of the diocese as well, which is experiencing much growth, and where many new clergymen have recently been ordained. God willing, the practicum will be held annually in the north and annually in the south going forward. The Pastoral School is very thankful to the St. Jonah parish for hosting the practicum.

The practicum began with registration and introductions on Thursday, February 22, quickly followed by a group meal and the first of the Divine Services of the practicum. After vigil that night a “postmortem” was held, reviewing the evening’s services in the light of the standard liturgical practices of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. The postmortem was held in a constructive atmosphere of learning and sharing, where questions were welcome and instruction was positive. A postmortem of this type was held after each of the Evening Services and Divine Liturgies of the Practicum, led by the instructors of the Practicum:

  • Archpriest Gregory Joyce
  • Protodeacon Alexander Kichakov
  • Protodeacon Alexander Petrovsky
  • Larissa Kaminsky-Sander

Between the Divine Services lectures were held on the following topics:

  • Using the Voice to the Glory of God: A Workshop for Clergy
  • The Divine Liturgy
  • The All-Night Vigil
  • Matching the Choir’s Pitch/Common Practices in ROCOR
  • Authentic ROCOR Liturgical Practices

Additionally, all participants in the Practicum received one on one instruction in the appropriate use of the voice for clergymen by Larissa Kaminsky-Sander, Chair of the Diocese Liturgical Music Committee.

Following the All Night Vigil on Saturday evening a festive banquet was held at a local restaurant. All participants took part in the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 25. Shortly thereafter the participants returned to their parishes, ready to put into practice the new information they had learned at the practicum.


Monday, February 19, 2024

Pastoral School Student Ordained to the Subdeaconate

On the feast of the Three Hierarchs, the Patronal Feast of Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York, Pastoral School student Seraphim Nesch was ordained to the Subdeaconate by Bishop Luke of Syracuse. We congratulate Seraphim and his family on his ordination!

Coverage: Eastern American Diocese Website