Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Spring Semester Application Deadline Approaching!

The deadline for application for the Spring Semester is Friday, February 1, 2019. Take the time now - right now - to fill out the application. Or send the application to those who you know what to apply. Or who you think should apply! Priests are especially encouraged to send the application and recommendation to apply to their parishioners. Your influence here is great! And who doesn't need a more educated flock? Apply today!


Pastoral School Graduate Published in The Federalist

Recent graduate of the Pastoral School, Dr. Alfred Siewers, has been published in The Federalist. The title of his piece is "Why Does The Left Suspend Their Principles For Christian Minorities?" Congratulations to Dr. Siewers on his publication!

Why Does The Left Suspend Theire Principles For Christian Minorities?